Over the past two seasons, I’m proud that I accomplished what I set out to do. In the process, I am grateful to have met so many new people that are now part of my Kings family. Together we supported our team and each other, shared our frustrations and moments of doubt, and celebrated many victorious moments -- none sweeter than the ultimate victory we shared watching our beloved Kings earn the first Stanley Cup in franchise history.
Then came the lockout and along with it a lot of changes in my life. Unfortunately those changes mean the time of Kings Court is coming to an end. This will be my final blog and the Kings Court Twitter and Facebook accounts will be closed as well.
The one thing that doesn’t change is my devotion to my team and my Kings family. I am still a season ticket holder and will still attend as many games as possible this season. The friendships we’ve created remain constant and I look forward to seeing many of you at games, practices and other Kings events. I just won’t be writing about it any more, although I’ll still be chirping up Twitter on my personal account (@Megums). I’m going back to being “just a fan” and I’m very satisfied with that.
There are a number of people in the Kings blogging community I need to thank for their support of Kings Court. First and foremost, I must thank The Mayor himself, John Hoven. He has always been willing to listen to my ideas, provide feedback and has even asked me for feedback on his projects from time to time. He was also a section mate of mine in 118 one season and provided a lot of laughs even though I never won the “first goal” cash pool he always had going. Listening to him heckle Marty Turco remains one of my favorite game memories.
Huge thanks also go out to Gann Matsuda, Charles Smith, Dennis Bernstein and Dave Joseph. Last season, I would always catch them hanging out my the press elevator, willing to share opinions about the game and general hockey related gossip with me. I learned so much from those conversations I’ll never forget them. I’m confident I’ll still be chatting with many of those guys even after though I won’t be blogging any more.
I also want to thank Keith and Chris at Kingscast. I’ve always been a huge fan of their show and I was honored when they asked me to contribute a video message for their 100th episode. Jesse Cohen and The Royal Half were also gracious enough to have me as a guest on their All The Kings Men podcast. If you’re not listening already, check them out, especially if you like snarky commentary on all things hockey. And Matt Murray at Life In Hockeywood is one of the most fun guys you’ll ever meet, especially if you like Kings themed face paint and huge smiles. Finally, thanks to Bobby Scribe for constantly challenging my opinions, occasionally pissing me off and giving me ongoing opportunities to defend Drew Doughty, who I am confident will one day be remembered as the best defenceman ever to wear a Kings uniform.
I will be a Kings fan until the day I die and I know you all will too. The memories we have created will last us a lifetime. Thank you for sharing this journey with me and giving me one of the best experiences of my life. Now, it’s time for The Queen to go see our new Stanley Cup banner....